Use "the days of the messiah|the day of the messiah" in a sentence

1. Every day he tells hundreds of people the Messiah is coming.

2. He, like the Besht, hopes the Messiah will return one of these days.

3. On that day, the high priest pictured the Messiah.

4. Three Appearings of the Messiah

5. “Sacred Secret” of the Messiah Revealed Progressively

6. When faced with the suffering of the Messiah.

7. The Afikomen thus represents the Messiah

8. The Consolation of Israel refers to the promised Messiah

9. Dilbert is the new management messiah.

10. 8 What is the fear of Jehovah that the Messiah displays?

11. The Messiah would be a descendant of the faithful man Abraham.

12. Arrogance prevented Caiaphas from accepting the Messiah.

13. Jehovah blessed Ruth with the privilege of becoming an ancestress of the Messiah

14. The club was in desperate need of a new footballing messiah.

15. Did she know of the prophecy about Bethlehem as the birthplace of the Messiah?

16. He is Jehovah of the Old Testament and the Messiah of the New Testament.

17. Chapters 9–14 contain visions about the Messiah, the last days, the gathering of Israel, the final great war, and the Second Coming.

18. He is the Jehovah of the Old Testament and the Messiah of the New.

19. He was the Great Jehovah of the Old Testament, the Messiah of the New.

20. Messiah Aggadoth $ 10.00; Milarepa, the Tibetan Saint $ 10.00; Mysteries of Mt

21. belief in a messiah.

22. Jesus is a criminal, posing as the Messiah.

23. God, the Sender of the Messiah, was not dragging out the time indefinitely.

24. The Messiah would be cut off in the middle of the 70th week.

25. Granted, expectation of the Messiah was rife throughout the Holy Land at the time.

26. Christology is a continuous dissertation on Jesus as the Messiah of God

27. The Messiah, the Consolation of Israel, was to remove sorrow and comfort the nation

28. Ariel means “Lion of God,” representing the Messiah Yeshua as the Lion of Judah

29. One of the most prevalent titles is “ Christ ” (or the Hebrew equivalent, “Messiah”)

30. At the time of Jesus’ birth, many Jews were expecting the appearance of the Messiah.

31. I witness that He is the Anointed One, the Messiah.

32. During the 1970’s, Jim Jones proclaimed himself the “messiah of the People’s Temple.”

33. Without hesitation, Peter answered: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

34. Through the prophets, Jehovah had progressively revealed the identifying marks of the coming Messiah.

35. 7. (a) What resulted when the Jews rejected the Messiah?

36. The Bible provides proof that Jesus is the promised Messiah.

37. Handel's "Messiah" is one of the most majestic musical works ever written.

38. Israel is abuzz with talk about the promised Messiah.

39. 15 The Messiah would be given vinegar and gall.

40. They had rejected God’s Son, Jesus, as the Messiah.

41. Jesus directly said that he was the foretold Messiah.

42. However, there is one scripture where the Hebrew word for Messiah appears without a qualifying adjective, indicating that it here refers to the Messiah.

43. Because the adjective Messianic means “having to do with the Messiah.”

44. What resulted when natural Israel refused to accept the Messiah?

45. Jesus Christ is God’s Anointed Messiah

46. Why, bear witness of the actual, historical Messiah or Christ, Jesus the Son of God.

47. The caliph agreed to the plan —and that was the end of the Yemen messiah.

48. The belief that Moses of Crete was the messiah cost many people their lives

49. It would safeguard the Israelites until the appearance of the Messiah. —Galatians 3:19, 24.

50. A number of passages in the Psalms clearly apply to the Messiah, the foretold King.

51. * When did Lehi prophesy that the Messiah—the Savior—would come?

52. THE birth of the Savior, the long-awaited Messiah, was indeed a time for rejoicing. “Look!”

53. As the prophets supplied these details over the centuries, a picture of the Messiah gradually emerged.

54. Clearly, there was no shortage of signs proving that Jesus was the Messiah.

55. Instead of esteeming the arrival of the Messiah, the primary part of Abraham’s offspring, the nation rejected him.

56. The media made him out to be a political messiah.

57. The Greek philosophers scoffed at such a Messiah as foolishness.

58. Munnery is not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

59. (c) What do the Gospels tell us about this Messiah?

60. For one thing, Jesus’ healing miracles served the purpose of identifying him as the Messiah.

61. The people may think of men who have claimed to be the Messiah, or Christ.

62. He claims that he is the Messiah. The king promised to the Jews.

63. The definition of Christ is Jesus, the Messiah whose coming was predicted in the Old Testament

64. □ Why examine evidence as to whether Jesus is the promised Messiah?

65. The Messiah Oratorio was composed by George Frideric Handel in 17

66. It is one of the ways in which the Spirit evokes prayer in the people of the Messiah.

67. Ariel Ministries is a Messianic Jewish Organization dedicated to the teaching of Judaism and the Messiah

68. Earlier, Rashi applied these texts to the Messiah, as does the Talmud.

69. This was the gift through which the Messiah had accomplished his work.

70. Mic Chapter 5 reveals that the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem of Judah.

71. Fulfilled On the Crucifixion Day On the day of Jesus’ Crucifixion, all the prophecies concerning His suffering were fulfilled in every detail—a lasting testimony that Jesus truly is the Messiah

72. They saw abundant proof that he was, in fact, the Messiah.

73. 18 The Jews viewed a dying Messiah as a weak nothing.

74. Jewish religious leaders had her Son, the Messiah, put to death.

75. He believes in every new political messiah.

76. God also revealed that the Messiah would be born in David’s line.

77. An ordinary priest, he was hailed by thousands as the new messiah.

78. The program highlighted that a Christian’s vocation was “to announce the incoming glorious kingdom of Messiah.”

79. Great artistic productions have been presented here, such as the Messiah and the Tanner Gift of Music.

80. The Messiah, he explained, is “Lord of the sabbath” and therefore entitled to cure people on the Sabbath.